What is Single Origin Coffee?

What is Single Origin Coffee?

When choosing which coffee to buy, often you will find yourself choosing between a blend or a single origin. These terms, frequently thrown around in the coffee world, carry distinct characteristics that significantly influence the flavour and aroma of your coffee. In this article, we will delve into the world of single origins and blends, easily explaining what defines each one and what they offer.

Single Origin Coffee

what is single origin coffee costa rice farm

The term "single origin" refers to coffee beans sourced from a specific geographical location, typically from a particular country, region, or a single farm.

In a similar way to how different grapes and regions affect the taste of wine, single origin coffee celebrates the uniqueness and specific terroir (climate, elevation, soil etc.) of a particular location, allowing the distinct flavours that result from the environmental conditions to shine through.

Key Features of Single Origin Coffee:

  1. Terroir Influence: Single origin coffee places a strong emphasis on the influence of terroir, the environmental factors that contribute to the flavour profile of the beans. This results in a cup of coffee that reflects the characteristics of the specific region or farm where the beans were grown.
  2. Distinct Flavour Profiles: Each origin and processing method brings its own set of flavours to the table. For example, Ethiopian coffee's high elevations give it a superbly creamy texture, while a Colombian bean could be known for its balanced acidity and caramel sweetness.
  3. Traceability: Single origin coffees often come with a high level of traceability. This transparency allows consumers to know exactly where and how their coffee was grown, fostering a connection between the producer and the consumer.

One of our most popular single origin coffees is our Finca El Mango from Costa Rica, which comes from a small, sustainable, family owned farm.

Blended Coffee

what is single origin coffee blends

Blended coffee involves combining beans from different origins to create a balanced flavour profile. Blending is an art that requires skill and expertise to achieve the desired taste, and it allows roasters to create a consistent product that may not be achievable with single origin beans alone.

Key Features of Blended Coffee:

  1. Balanced Complexity: Blends are carefully crafted to balance the unique characteristics of various beans. This results in a complex flavor profile that aims to please a broad range of palates. Blends usually combine beans with different attributes, such as body, acidity, and sweetness, to create a well-rounded cup.
  2. Consistency: Blends offer a level of consistency that can be challenging to achieve with single origin coffees. By combining beans from different regions, roasters can mitigate the impact of seasonal variations, ensuring a more reliable and uniform flavor year-round.
  3. Customization: Blends provide roasters with the flexibility to experiment and create unique combinations that cater to specific taste preferences or market demands. This flexibility allows for innovation and the development of signature blends.

Our most popular signature blend is Sanctuary. Roasted perfectly for both espresso and filter, it's superbly balanced and loved by all.


Choosing between single origins and blends is a matter of personal preference and appreciation for the diverse offerings each brings to the table. New single origins come around each harvest so are perfect for experimenting with new coffees. And blends are consistent, so you can choose a favourite and it should always be there for your morning cup.

So next time you savour that cup of coffee, take a moment to appreciate the artistry and craftsmanship behind the beans that make your daily ritual truly exceptional.

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